Our Mission
The mission of NARP is to build a robust national network of skilled reentry advocates with the expertise and access to resources needed for culturally responsive, trauma-informed, equitable, holistic, collaborative, comprehensive reentry planning and service delivery for individuals and communities that is built on respect and human dignity.
Our Values
The National Association of Reentry Professionals believes in:
Acceptance * Accountability * Adaptability * Authenticity * Balance
* Clarity * Collaboration * Compassion * Confidence * Consistency
* Courage * Dependability * Determination * Diversity * Empathy
* Enthusiasm * Equality * Fairness Growth * Generosity * Happiness
* Hardwork * Honesty * Humility * Humor * Improvement * Ingenuity
* Innovation * Integrity * Kindness * Leadership * Optimism * Open-mindedness * Persistence * Quality * Recognition * Relationships
* Reliability * Respect * Responsibility * Security * Stability * Success
* Sustainability * Teamwork * Tenacity * Transparency
* Trustworthiness * Willingness
Our Vision
The National Association of Reentry Professionals (NARP), Inc. represents the interests of criminal justice professionals engaged in prison reentry, people who have been incarcerated and their family members, and other justice reform advocates by providing education, training, and professional services that are rooted in evidence-based practices and demonstrate positive impacts on racial and economic inequity - particularly for people who have historically suffered the consequences of the disparity and trauma of the justice/reentry system.
Our Commitment
The National Association of Reentry Professionals is dedicated to:
Providing culturally responsive professional services to our racial and ethnic group members including Black, Hispanic, and Latino people, Native American and other Indigenous peoples of North America (Alaska Native, Eskimo, and Aleut), Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders to address racial and economic inequality and trauma in the justice/reentry system.
Empowering the voices of returning citizens and their families by centering their perspectives and input in decision-making as equal partners in reentry planning and implementation processes.
Assuring persons with lived experience are in critical leadership positions in the organization including the president of the NARP Board of Directors.
Enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of pre- and post-release reentry services by addressing challenges, overcoming obstacles, and demanding equity and accountability.
Acting as an Intermediary Organization on behalf of our members to provide opportunities for funding, network support, facilitated growth and advancement, and performance management. https://search.issuelab.org/resource/breakthrough-performance-ten-emerging-practices-of-leading-intermediaries.html
Working with our members to close service gaps for reentrants from the point of incarceration through post-release supervision and beyond by ensuring holistic and comprehensive system approach.
We place lived experience at the core of our work and also adhere to evidence based and best practices, ensuring that science, research and lived experience drive planning, design, development, and implementation processes for comprehensive community and individual reentry plans. https://info.nicic.gov/nicrp/system/files/024107.pdf
Hosting annual conferences and recurring training events to Educate, Collaborate, and Inspire others, driving ongoing enhancement in successful reintegration practices.
Honoring and celebrating the outstanding contributions of reentry professionals and advocates through awards and recognition.
Establishing a national benchmark for excellence in reentry services, which promotes the highest quality performance among reentry professionals.